

At the end of the day, the goals are simple: Safety and Security.

  • Your company or institutions’ data is mission critical

  • At MapSDG we deeply respect that and is taken into serious consideration

  • We have taken all possible measusers to secure your data

  • Our rigid steps include technical, procedural and physical; to preserve the integrity of your information

What are we doing about your safety and security?

Physical Security

  • At MapSDG, your PI & Data are processed and stored within AWS Data Centers.

  • AWS uses modern, advanced, multi-layer; access, alerting, and auditing measures, which includes:

  • Perimeter fencing and vehicle access barriers

  • Custom made electronic access cards & biometric checks

  • Laser beam intrusion detection

  • Continuous external and internal security camera surveillance

  • 24×7 trained security guards


  • All of our software is hosted and run in the AWS cloud

  • We do not run our own inhouse or physical servers, routers, load balancers or DNS servers

  • Most of our services and data are hosted with Amazon Web Services (AWS) facilities in Mumbai, India

  • All our servers are in our AWS virtual private cloud (VPC) to ensure data integrity

  • We have reliable redundancy strategies in place, to avoid data integrity issues in case of any geographical factors

Confidentiality Agreement

  • In addition to the security measures listed above we are also open towards any confidentiality agreements

  • All of our employees and contract resources are bound to our policies in terms of customer data privacy and security

  • We treat any data privacy or security related issues with the highest importance within our company and take necessary proactive and reactive measures accordingly

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